About us

The Public Institution “Centre for the Cultural Development of Society” is a non-profit organization, established in 2002 in Vilnius, Algirdo 2-36. The aims of the Institution are:

  • To support the complete formation of the person with the particular aim of integrating women into all development stages of the society.
  • To develop intercultural contacts among young people and support cultural identity of different groups and communities.


Network of Associations for the Developpment of Eastern Europe and the Balkans

To achieve its aims the Public Institution “Centre for the Cultural Development of Society” has organized in 2021 the following activities:

  • Cycles of conferences about the cultural diversity of EU countries (activities for students).
  • Debate club in Spanish and other foreign language programs (activities for students).
  • Courses on home economics (for students and women).
  • Pedagogical activities (courses for women, conferences for families).
  • Multicultural programs for students (students’ residence).
  • Leisure and extra curricular activities for school girls (clubs and camps).
  • Social activities and international programs (social camps).
  • Exchanges with young people of other European countries (seminars and conferences).
  • A move to join forces and strengthen positive synergy amongst solidarity, education and youth initiatives („Study Aid“).
  • Creativity workshops for women.
  • Home-making workshops for women and girls.