Knowing emotions and integrating them into life experience
Supports in the field of emotional education.
- Place: “Vilnelė” Cultural Center, Algirdo 2-36, Vilnius
- Dates: 2023, February 1st– 2024, January 31st
- Participants: 165 Parents
- Financial support: 3000 € from Foundation Fabre
The project provides:
1. gives parents the tools to know and define their own and their children’s emotions, to navigate their relationships, and to reinforce the importance of their mission in their children’s education.
2. for girls of all ages, the knowledge to identify their emotions and to integrate them into different areas of life: family relationships, friendships and sexuality.
In this way, harmonious relationships in the family are encouraged: in husband-wife, parent-child and child-parent relationships.
During the project:
Books’ presentation in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda – Mama, papasakok man apie meilę. Tėti, ar meilė – tai kažkas gražaus?